Sunday, July 14, 2013

Holy Trinity Traditional Latin Mass Community: Beginnings

Today marked the second Sunday in our new home at Holy Trinity Church located at 625 Spruce Street in the Society Hill section of Philadelphia.  Many of those who formerly assisted at Mass at St. Paul's have made the transition and there are some new faces in the congregation as well.  Please continue to pray that our community will flourish for the greater glory of Almighty God.  Please pray for Father  Ronald W. Check, our chaplain, and for all the priests who will be be part of the rotation at Holy Trinity.  They are, in addition to Father Check: Father Gerald P. Carey, Father Harold B. McKale and Father Jason V. Kulczynski.

One of the most immediate concerns of the congregation was parking and thanks be to God, that need has been addressed.   Please see the information at the bottom of this page for information on available parking near the church.

Father Check will hear confessions on Sundays  from 11:35 AM until about 5 minutes to Noon.

What follows are some photos from the interior of Holy Trinity.  We have the use of a beautiful and historic church which is perfectly conducive to offering the Extraordinary Form of the Mass.  And we are especially blessed to have Father Check to direct and coordinate our efforts to offer fitting and reverential  worship to Almighty God.

Monday, July 1, 2013

Extraordinary Form of the Mass at the Carmelite Monastery

As part of the summer novena to Our Lady of Mt. Carmel, the Extraordinary Form of the Mass will be offered on Sunday evening, July 14 at the Carmelite Monastery of Philadelphia.  The Solemn High Mass will take place at 7:30 PM and will be preceded by Rosary, Litany of Our Lady of Loreto, and sacred music.

Father Ronald Check is the celebrant.  Father Gerald Carey will be Deacon and Rev. Mr. Christopher Moriconi of St. Charles Seminary will serve as subdeacon.