Saturday, June 7, 2014


If you are looking for modest head-coverings that convey reverence and devotion, the blog administrator humbly recommends this company,.  The lace stretch head-coverings that tie are something every woman who wants to veil with ease will appreciate.  There is nothing worse than a veil that slips off your head or an elastic band that makes you feel as if your head is in a vice.  Liturgical Times also offers veils in the "infinity" scarf style and these, too appear to be a welcome solution to a veil that won't stay put.

The photos of veils below are shown courtesy of Liturgical Times Veil Shop.

Christian women veil for many reasons, and more and more we are seeing women in mantillas, even at weekday Novus Ordo Masses.  Because there are so few people in the world who are willing to bear witness to their faith and demonstrate publicly their love for Jesus in the Blessed Sacrament, we encourage all women  to consider wearing an appropriate head covering to Mass, if for no other reason than out of sheer love for One Who loves us beyond comprehension.

SCT7 - Gray-blue Stretch lace Christian Headcovering Headband Headscarf with TiesWomen Coverings SCT6 - Christian Headcovering Headband Headscarf with Ties, in off-white with embroideryEV1W - Eternity Veil Headcovering - The Infinity Scarf Mantilla Veil Original, in White


  1. Hi, I was wondering if I could use one of these last 3 pics for a blog that I am doing on head coverings?

  2. Hi,These photos don't belong to me, they belong to Liturgical Times Veil Shop on Etsy and this blog post was published to promote their little company. There is a link to their website in this piece so you can contact them directly. Hope that helps
